This function takes input and output files of
TensorQTL and
returns a list object that can be used as input for
. It currenly only handles completely unpaired data,
where there is no repeated measurement per donor (subject). This
includes typical molecular data from clinical trials.
pheno.col = "phenotype_id",
variant.col = "variant_id",
feat.col = "gene_id",
snp.col = "SNP",
pheno.rm = 1:4,
geno.rm = 1:6
A character string specfying the name of the output file from interacton QTL mapping from TensorQTL.
A character string specifynig the name of the file containing molecular phenotes. This must be the same as the input file used for TensorQTL.
A character string specifying the name of the genotype
file in PLINK2
A character string specifyng the name of the file containing covariates. This must be the same as the input file used for TensorQTL.
A character string specifying the name of the file containing the condition variable of interest, coded as 1, 2. This must be the same as the input file used for TensorQTL.
A character string specifying the name of the
column of qtl
containing the feature IDs.
A character string specifying the name of the
column of qtl
containing the feature IDs.
A character string specifying the name of the
column of pheno
containing the feature IDs.
A character string specifying the name of the
column of geno
containing the SNP IDs.
A vector of integers corresponding to the column
numbers for non-phenotype entries in pheno
A vector of integers corresponding to the column
numbers for non-phenotype entries in geno
A list of lists containing:
- A vector of phenotypes.
- A vector of genotypes.
- A vector of treatment indicators.
- A vector of subject.
- A character string spcifyng the feature ID.
- A character string specifying the SNP ID.