Get MAP estimates and Hessian
phi0 = sqrt(1000),
kappa = 0.002,
nu = 0.002,
kappa.u = 0.002,
nu.u = 0.002,
tu.lambda = NULL
A list containing phenotype, genotype, treatment, and subject. The elements must be named "y", "g", "t", and "subject".
A character string specifying the function to model the relationship between the genotype and phenotype. This must be one of "nonlinear" and "linear", corresponding to nonlinear and linear models, respectively.
A vector of hyperparameters of the effect prior.
A scalar specifying the hyperparameter on the intercept.
A scalar specifying the hyperparameter of the gamma prior on the residual error precision.
A scalar specifying the hyperparameter of the gamma prior on the residual error precision.
A scalar specifying the hyperparameter of the gamma prior on the random intercept.
A scalar specifying the hyperparameter of the gamma prior on the random intercept.
A list containing the transposed eigenvector matrix and the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. The element names must be "tU" and "lambda".
A list object containing outputs from optim
in the
package for the eight models.